Friday 2 November 2012

Republican Terrorism Rides Again in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland has seen visited upon it once again the horror of republican terrorism in the murder of Cookstown (Co. Tyrone) prison officer, David Black (52).  The father of two children, husband, brother and son, was gunned down on the M1 motorway as he made his way to work at Magheraberry prison.

Two republican terrorist gunmen drew up alongside him as he drove to work, and shot him several times, causing his car to veer off the road and crash into a ditch being partly submerged.

His son drove past the scene 15 minutes later, not knowing that it was his father who had been murdered.  The family has been utterly devastated by this current republican terrorist murder.

"Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint," says Proverbs.  Where sinful people are not coming under the preaching of the true Gospel, they have no boundaries that keep them under restraint.  These people obviously have "cast off restraint."  If they go to church at all, they are not hearing the law and Gospel being preached in proper proportion.  God reveals Himself through the Gospel, and where this is not preached, He does not reveal Himself in this particular way to sinners. 

The fact that there is moral meltdown in our country testifies to the fact that the biblical Gospel is not being preached in our churches.  There just is no restraint being exercised - see the desire for same-sex marriages, abortion on demand and abortion by suggestion by GPs, the legalisation of sodomy (homosexuality), etc.  There is rampant clerical child sex abuse being perpetrated by priests of the Roman Catholic 'church,' and corruption taking other forms within many Protestant churches.  The people have "cast off restraint."

Pious platitudes are inappropriate, despite their being generally true.  What is needed instead is solid and passionate Gospel preaching that possesses an element of aggression, and anointed by the Holy Spirit.  May God grant that this will be a reality anmongst us at this time.

The prayers of the Christian people are being offered for the Black family at this traumatic time.

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