Sunday 12 August 2012

God Got It Wrong!

When the Lord told Peter to "Kill and eat," and he refused because of his Jewish scruples, God told him not to "call unclean what He had cleansed."  Yes, according to the churches, God got it all wrong.  Even if God has cleansed and forgiven, the churches simply believe that God is wrong.  They believe that He is contributing to the impurity of the church and of the Christian ministry.  They are very happy to tolerate Gospel deniers within their ranks, but not Gospel preachers.  Regardless of what God says, the churches will do their own thing anyway. 

Indeed, it is difficult to see when the churches ever took God's Word seriously, so it is no great surprise to see her acting as she does.  They have always worked to their own selfish agendas.  Maintaining the organisation is what matters.  It doesn't matter much what the organisation actually does or believes, it must be kept going.

But the fact remains that the churches are most reluctant to step up to the mark and be gracious and restorative in their attitudes, which is profoundly sad.  They cannot accept that they are wrong and God is right in this matter.  To accept that God is right means that their previous actions are under His judgement. 

The churches must return to the authentic Christian faith, and rather than just talk Christianity, demonstrate it.  Especially those churches that laud the 'doctrines of grace,' well, they must begin to show grace and not just talk about it.  They must reach out the hand of fellowship once again and seek restoration and reconciliation.

Until attitudes like this pertain, churches can forget about praying for revival.

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