Friday 10 August 2012

Children-focused Ecumenism

In Portstewart this afternoon (Friday 10th August 2012), a group of young children, The New Irish Youth 2012, held a performance at the band stand at the Crescent.  When I came along, they were singing "Jesus Loves Me."  Initially, I thought this was a CSSM group where children are taught the truths of the Gospel.

But it wasn't.  When I approached one of the leaders, I discovered that this was a children's ecumenical group that was supported by the ecumenical churches, and which sought to teach them that there was no difference between any of them.  These were children from all the churches and none who were being brought together to minimise if not obliterate doctrinal difference those who were from the Christian faith and those who were from liberal Protestant and Roman churches, and from no church background at all.

I explained that the mainline churches in Northern Ireland had tried to pursue ecumenism through the adult members of the church and failed; then they focused on the young people, and again that came to nothing.  Now the ecumenical churches are focusing their attention on the school children, sending their emissaries into the schools to teach them something which is no Gospel at all (Gal.1). 

Did you ever see anything so deceitful as that?  I remember writing an article many years ago to a church magazine highlighting an event that was designed to entrap young people into the ecumenical snare.  I exposed what was happening, and at one of the church's Board meeting, my article was waved about by an irate minister, and younger ministers were warned not to have anything to do with me.

Ecumenists are basically deceitful people; they twist Scripture, taking it out of its context, and make it mean whatever suits their own nefarious purpose best.  People need to be warned about the encroachment of such people, for clearly they do not have the spiritual and eternal well-being of their children at heart.  Their religion is syncretistic, that is, a hodge-podge of religions and religious ideas whether true or false does not matter.  The mixture of liberal Protestantism and Romanism and Nothingism does not make it a Christian event, far from it.

Again, I urge great alertness amongst parents regarding this matter.  These people are deceitful.  And when evangelicals become enmeshed with them, they, too, become deceitful.  I have seen this very thing this week.  Christian people are taken in by high profile 'evangelicals' who are leading many astray. 

Tied in with this, no doubt, is the new political ecumenism that rules Northern Ireland.  This ecumenism amongst vulnerable and impressionable children is what they can and will support.

These are terrible times in which we are living.  Paul told us that this would come to pass.  The 'itching ear brigade' is still with us; and they gather around them teachers who will tell them what their itching ears want to hear (2 Tim.4:3).  They cannot endure sound doctrine.  Truth does not matter.

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