Wednesday 8 August 2012

Betrayal from the Inside.

The book of Nehemiah teaches us that as well as opposition to the work AND WORKER of God emanating from external sources, it often comes also from the inside, from within the organisation or church where the servant of Christ labours.  We expect the external threats and attacks, but we should not be ignorant of similar and often more vicuous attacks coming from within the Lord's professing church.  The Psalmist speaks of this, our Lord Jesus Christ experienced it, and His servants down the years also know what such betrayal from the inside is like.

My own familiar friend with whom I supper lifted up his hand against me.  He was a member of the external family of God, I worked with him, trusted him, enjoyed his company; but when the time was right, opportune, he moved against me and betrayed me.

What makes it worse is when the betrayer admits that that is precisely what he has done!  And calls in a witness to confirm that that is what he had done. 

When Nehemiah's enemies failed to bring the world of God to a standstill, the people of God, Judah, tried a different tactic, called the antagonists to the house of God and sought a peace agreement.  Thank God Nehemiah did not concede to such a devilish ploy, for that would have ruined the work of God.

How is it that churchmen are always keen to enter into peace terms with the avowed enemies of the Gospel, just because they are churchmen?  Why is it that they refuse to be Gospel-men when church issues arise?  When the very existence of the Gospel in a congregation is at stake, they refuse to be Gospel men, but descend into becoming again churchmen.

Gospel ministers need to be extremely alert as to what is really going on within their congregations.  This is difficult but a close walk with God will mean that God will share His secrets with His servants.  He will give them the discernment to know and identify what is afoot.  His colleagues will accuse him of all kinds of things, such as, being a conspiracy theorist, or being paranoid, of being psychologically unstable.  The rumour-mongerers will be at work all the time, trying to discredit the servant of Christ.

God will fight for them, and they will witness strange things happening amongst the enemies.  But GOD WILL WIN because GOD MUST WIN.

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