Saturday 21 April 2012

Sudan Islamic Regime Declares Jihad on South Sudan

Global Islam is far from finished with subjecting the world to its false religion.  In the Sudan, after ethnically cleansing its over 500,000 Christians, the rogue Arab Islamist regime of the Sudan has declared war on the Christian and black South Sudan.  No surprises here.  They live to declare war on all 'infidels' and unbelievers. 

This act of aggression is not about South Sudan's oil wealth.  It is and always was about jihad, domination and control, integral to the Islamic mind-fix.  Here is a people who were murdered, raped and enslaved for decades who finally managed to break away and declare themselves a free country. South Sudan is a UN member, and the UN charter specifically forbids aggression by one member against another.

Why the UN is silent and apparently inactive since this act of aggression is not difficult to see.  No one, not even the UN, is doing anything meaningful to stop this from happening.  And the reason? Because it involves Muslim aggression against non-Muslims, and it is Muslims who now control the UN.

So when Muslims gain control of any organisation or country, Muslim aggression against non-Muslims, which seems to be the order of the day, is ignored; in fact, given Islamic theology, this is but the outworking of their belief system.  They are but being obedient to their god, Allah, and his prophet, Mohammad.

US President Barack Hussein Obama claims to be a Christian. The question that some are asking is this: 'Is he going to defend black Christians against Islamist jihad, rape and murder?'  To act or not to act will place him in a position in which he will not please both sides.  But as a professing Christ - and you all know what I think of them - and based on his inactions so far, few will be holding their breath.

Where are the falsely so-called 'moderate Muslims' now?  What are they saying about this act of aggression?  Their silence is deafening.  This only goes to demonstrate that the problem is not one of extremist Muslims acting against the Qu'ran, but of the religion of the Qu'ran determining the behaviour of all its adherents.

Hence the need for Muslims to be confronted with the truth of the Gospel, and confronted in the most loving yet truthful way possible.  They are perishing because they have embraced a false religious system.  They need Christ alone Who alone can save them.  He died for them as well as everybody else.  They need to come to Him, repent of their sins and trust Him alone for salvation.

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