Monday 19 March 2012

The Centrality of the Cross

The "acid test" of our position is in whether or not the Cross is something we glory in (Gal.6:14) or are offended by (Gal.5:11).  It is what differentiates Christians from non-Christians.  To the non-Christian, or unbeliever, or the natural man, the Cross is offensive, something that is as true today as it was when Paul first penned these words.  It is only the true Christian who can and does "glory" in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Even congregations can find the preaching of the Cross offensive, thus explaining why so many ministers do not preach that God-glorifying, saving message.  It is a "foolish" message - God saving sinners by a carpenter from Nazareth who claimed to be the Son of God, the Messiah.  What foolishness!  Who in their right mind would expect educated 21st century people to believe that sort of thing?

Further, this message states that through trusting an innocent man who was put to death on the Cross and who was supposed to be bearing the individual's sins, that individual sinner can be saved. Or again, God, it is claimed, has taken our sins and placed them on Another and then punished our sins by putting to death that innocent Other.

21st century, cultured, educated people are expected to believe that kind of thing if ever they are to get into heaven.

The fact is that since they find this offensive they are demonstrating that they are not Christians.

May I invite you to visit this website and see there how John Calvin preached this God-glorifying and life-transforming message that centres around the Cross.

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