Tuesday 20 December 2011

Do Not Harm My Prophets!

The Lord's prophets are those men called and set apart by God to declare His Word to the whole world. They are God's special servants who have vouchsafed to them the protection of the Lord of hosts, God almighty.  They have been separated from the rest of God's people to this very special work and the highest of all callings - the work of declaring His Gospel to all men.

The man who dares to harm these called servants of the Lord are placing himself in great eternal jeopardy.  He does not realise that to do so will bring dire consequences for him, and for his family.  God calls out to the world, "Do not harm my prophets."  Yet men do this very thing.

How utterly blind and foolish they are!  Only a man inspired with deep hatred for the Gospel and the Saviour would stop to do such a thing.  "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God," (Heb.10:31).  The God of the Christian church is the living God.  To fall into His hands is a thing too terrible for words.  It strikes fear into the heart at the very though of it. 

Is anyone out there reading this doing that very thing? Then desist immediately otherwise you will face the living God in a terrible judgement.


graham wood said...

"The Lord's prophets are those men called and set apart by God to declare His Word to the whole world. They are God's special servants who have vouchsafed to them the protection of the Lord of hosts, God almighty"

By "prophets" here I assume you are referring in a general sense to many Christians in many parts of the world persecuted for their faith and witness to Christ - especially in Moslem dominant countrys?

Hazlett Lynch said...

No, Graham, I am referring to those men who have been sovereignly called and separated unto the Gospel ministry for the upbuilding of the church and the conversion of sinners. Sadly, many of these men of God are being persecuted relentlessly in Moslem countries; but lest you are under the illusion that this does not happen in the UK, Gospel ministers are opposed, resisted and persecuted within the church in our own country. I know; I was one of them, and I now provide support and counsel for those men who are still fighting the age-old battle for the gospel in the churches.