Thursday 10 November 2011

Systematic Persecution of Believers in Northern Ireland

Christians around the world are well aware that there are countries where their brothers and sisters in Christ are being severely persecuted by the devil's servants.  We pray for them regularly, and our hearts go out to them in love and compassion.  Many lose their lives in satanic camps, many are tortured to death, some are poisoned, others are beaten not just physically but emotionally and mentally until they are weakened to the point where they lose the will to fight and live.

However, in Northern Ireland, the same kind of thing is going on that does not hit the headlines.  There is systematic persecution of true Christians being carried out by 'church Christians' - and there is a very big difference that the churches will not admit - in a bid to remove them from their places of work, and to destroy their lives.  These 'church Christians' are the kind who have the church authorities giving them support, protecting them and promising them whatever they need.

Indeed, some of them, it would seem, are now in the pay of the government as they work to remove every trace of Christian influence from those organisations that the government funds.  It is heart-rending to read an email from a dear Christian sister who said that she just cannot take anymore harassment and threats from her former 'church Christian' employers.  These 'church Christians' are not just church members, though many of them are that; they even hold office within their local church, and have responsibility for the training of young people.  They have influence over the lives of the young people under their tutelage, and, by listening to them talk, cannot but influence them for the bad.  Satan's willing servants will never influence those under their care for Christ and the Gospel.  In fact, they so hate the Gospel of God's grace in Christ Jesus that the very thought of them showing any favour towards gospel matters is incredible.

But this is the kind of person who m the church has in its ranks. It reminds me of medieval religion where the worst possible people in the community have the right CV for church leadership.  Now that we are living in post-reformation times, the church has deliberately returned to the paganism of medieval times and has brought back into the church that heathen practice of having her own agents placed within the church to halt any Gospel progress.  Nor do they want Christian standards being brought into the workplaces of our land.  So the persecution of Christians goes on apace. 

The Christian lady told me that the harassment against her is terrible.  I don't doubt it.  Her persecutors are relentless.  Inspired by unmitigated evil, these satanic predators are out to destroy her and those she respects.  They will stop at nothing. Their armoury is full of all kinds of thing, including lies, deception, falsehood, etc.  Nothing is too bad for them to do - so long as it destroys true Christians.

But you have never heard of this, have you?  It has not been on the broadcast media, nor appeared in the print media.  But it goes on apace.  Relentless in their opposition to the Gospel, they lie in the beds at night inventing all kinds of evil to perpetrate against the children of God, even to the point of asking their god to bless their evil plans and schemes against God's children.   

We know that Gospel ministers have been subject to this kind of ill-treatment by 'church Christians' over the years, the church authorities egging them on and giving them their full support.  But non-ministerial Christians are not exempt from such hellish evil.

May I ask my readers to pray earnestly for the protection of true Christians against those false christians whom satan has placed within the church in order to destroy her.   Pray that God will raise up a standard of righteousness when the floods of wickedness come in.  Pray that He will protect His own children and servants against satanic schemes.  Ask Him to drive back the forces of darkness and wickedness. Ask Him to destroy every scheme and plan hatched against the children of God in Northern Ireland.  Beg Him to cause confusion in the enemies camps, to bring dissension amongst satan's servants, and for them to then turn against each other.  Ask Him to bring their own evil plans down on their own heads.  Pray that He will bring all of them into the pit they have dug for God's children.  That the traps they have set for us might be the means of them own hurt, not ours.  I am thinking about evil Haman who built the gallows on which Mordecai was to be hanged, and Haman ended up being hanged on his own gallows.

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