Wednesday 16 November 2011

Ecclesiastical Apostasy

One of the characteristic of the church in Jeremiah's day was the general apostasy of the church.  Despite her great privileges, she had departed from the faith once delivered to the saints.  The oracles of God were no longer heard or appreciated when they were expounded, and every attempt was made to silence those who spoke the truth, as in Jeremiah's own case.  The church had its own idea of what religion was and how God was to be served and worshipped.  But this idea did not please God.  Earlier in Amos' day, the same situation obtained. They had all their religion and its attendant ceremonies, but God hated them everyone (Am.5). 

Departing from the truth of God does not mean religious development, but the very opposite.  It means a downgrade journey into lies, deception and religious falsehood.  It means that precious soils for whom Christ died will not hear of the Saviour and they will perish in hell eternally.  But, and this is the sad thing, the local church will go on as before, and 95% of the members will not know the difference.  It will dwindle spiritually and die, and by that time it will be too late!

Only a true church can apostasise, because apostasy is always from the truth.  Every church on earth today where there is no Gospel was once a true church of Christ. Oh, what a warning that is to us today!  Watch your church, and mark every time there is a departure from the Gospel, and there you will see, if you have eyes to see it, a church on its way out.  It is on the road to apostasy!

If apostasy is departure from the truth, the only effective antidote and prevention is faithfulness to the truth of God.  Be alert, my friend.  Keep your eyes wide open. Have done with a mere outward orthodoxy.  Watch the trends.  See where they are leading; and don't be surprised at the coming departure.

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