Thursday 29 September 2011

Of their father!

People who swear and blaspheme the precious Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who take God's holy Name in vain, cannot be trusted, and are not people who love truth or are truthful.  Why?  because everyone who speaks in these ways directs their verbal onslaughts against the God, against His Son Jesus Christ, Who is the Truth. Such people's word, or their oath, cannot be trusted. And no matter what they say is saturated with anti-truth sentiments.  They are given to exaggeration, sometimes wild and gross exaggeration, and to wild flights of fancy.  What they tell you must not be believed without independent corroboration.  These people are led astray themselves, and lead others astray.  Their immoral disposition precludes their being lovers of truth and honesty, however they might protest to the contrary.  Their habitual language reveals a character and disposition that causes them to be most self-righteous, seeing themselves as paragons of virtue.  In particular company, they are most plausible, but when their guard is down, you see them for what they really are.

Where does all this come from?  Well, they get it from "their father."  They exhibit their father's traits and characteristics, and there can be no doubting just who their father really is.  They send much time with him - because they do not spend time with Christ - and he feeds them their attitudes, what to say, ow to say it, and to whom.  He has them very well schooled indeed.

Who is their father?  Well, the Bible tells us that it is the devil himself. He is the "father of lies" and has been "a liar from the very beginning."  And when you listen to these people, many of whom are church people, church members, church office-bearers and youth leaders, you know very quickly whose family that belong to.  They are so true to their father that being unable to distinguish them from those who do not belong to their family just never arises.  They are totally consistent with their father's nature. 

You know, you can know for sure who your father is by observing the language you use when you speak. Do you curse, do you swear, do you blaspheme, do you take God's name in vain?  If you do, these are the family traits that mark you off as a member of the devil's family - he is your father.  When you pray, do you just throw in the Lord's Name as a kind of 'filler,' to give you time to think what next to say; oh, be very careful, for you are taking God's name in vain, you are blaspheming as you pray! 

Repent, turn to God in Christ, and seek His forgiveness immediately.  Turn to Him with your whole heart.  Confess your sins, and ask for pardon.  And do it now!

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