Thursday 22 September 2011

The Gospel According to Isaiah – Isa.53:1

Calvin’s method of preaching is truly expository, and is the model for all truly expository preaching.  Indeed, to get to know the true Calvin, we must see him as a preacher of the Gospel.   This is what took up most of his time and energy in Geneva.  His demanding preaching schedule saw him preaching 10 times every fortnight.  He preached in plain, colloquial French, and used turns of phrase that the common people would easily understand. 

His preaching is Christ-centred throughout.  He discovers Christ in all the Scriptures.  Throughout, he uses the New Testament to interpret the Old Testament.

Isaiah preaches as if he was referring directly to Christ.  His office and calling is to be “the Redeemer of all believers and of all the elect ... of saving all His own.”[1]  And that is what He is!  That is precisely His calling.

But Calvin interpreted Scripture with Scripture, believing, as he did, that God's revealed will is revealed in ALL the Scriptures, and not in certain verses and passages only.  In the first sermon, Calvin speaks of Christ as "the Saviour of all the world."[2]

How beautiful is his balanced Biblicism!  How refreshing his faithfulness to Scripture!  And how laudable his evangelistic zeal!

[1]   Sermon 1:32.
[2]   Sermon 1:39.

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