Wednesday 21 September 2011

"Give peace a chance" – who sang that? (Part 3)

Lennon is the man who won the hearts of countless millions around the world, masquerading as a man of peace, just as presidential candidate and former IRA 2IC in Londonderry and believe to be a member of its Army Council, Martin McGuinness now self-styles.  By Lennon’s moral and financial support on both sides of the Atlantic, the IRA terror campaign would have been continued indefinitely.  He was acting as Quartermaster for the IRA in London, it would appear, as he stashed weaponry for the most sophisticated terrorist organisation in Europe.  

Clearly, John Lennon was not a pacifist, as he so frequently claimed.  He was an active supporter of armed terrorism against his own fellow-countrymen.  He was not a man of peace, but a cunning sponsor of terrorism, falling into the same camp as Gaddafi.  

Having worked in the reconciliation industry in Northern Ireland for 12years, I have seen at first hand the genuineness, or lack of it, on the part of those who shout loudest about peace, yet have more than a ‘soft spot’ for terrorists and their terrorism.  I have seen them being hailed to the highest by the government and its agencies, and given places of great societal responsibility.  Even senior IRA commander, Martin McGuinness, was given responsibility for the care of the victims he helped to create!

You might be asking what this has to do with a blog about the Reformed faith, and rightly so.  It is my conviction that theGospel of Jesus Christ has to be applied to every stratum of society, and brought to bear on every situation.  

There is more to ‘murder’ than physically killing someone illegally. Jesus said that ‘hatred’ is the same as murder just as lust is the same as adultery. Lennon obviously hated his fellow-countrymen enough to ‘source’ and store weaponry for the IRA in a London garage; and he was filled sufficiently with hatred to want to, and perhaps did, give financial support to this murder machine, whose members are still unrepentant to this very day.  If the Gospel has nothing to say to this situation, it has nothing to say.  Lennon would needed to have repented of his sin before he was murdered on 9th Dec 1980, for him to now be with the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. 

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