Tuesday 20 September 2011

Enough is Enough!

Having just read your analysis (that of Melanie Phillips, writer and broadcaster) of the current situation facing the UK and the rest of the free world, I can only commend you for your depth and accuracy of analysis, and for the forthright way in which you present it.  I agree with what you say. 

But when you look at what successive UK governments have done to N. Ireland, is it any wonder the country is in the state it is in?  If I may quote Isa.5:20, our leaders have been calling "evil good and good evil," etc.  They have perverted democracy in Ulster, and set in place war-mongers, war criminals, and unrepentant terrorists at the very heart and head of our government, and think they have done a great job! David Cameron is as committed to having terrorists in the government of this part of the UK as were Blair and Brown.  They have called "evil good, and good evil."  Can they honestly expect any prosperity when they operate within such a ludicrous and anti-right, anti-truth policy?

Further, I believe that because of HMG's persistent refusal to maintain fundamental freedoms or be principle-driven; and because it has legalised all kinds of moral perversions, have taken its eye off the "true north" ball, it has facilitated our country in its celebration of depravity.  It is now very obvious that the only living and true God, the God Who revealed Himself in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, has literally given our nation over to our chosen way of life without Him (see Romans 1:18-32), with no possibility of recovery until we as a people repent of our sin and guilt before God, and return to the true and authentic Christian faith, through trusting Christ alone to deliver us.

Our nation, and much of the West, is living under the wrath and judgement of God.  She has sought to have morality without biblical religion.  This is impossible, as our recent history demonstrates very clearly.  But look at the 'morality' this has produced?  Increasingly and publicly demonstrated depravity.  Even France is very worried that her young people are reaching the depths of public disgrace seen in any British city on any weekend.  

Where is all this going to stop?  And who is going to stop it?  Enough is enough.  What is the end of all this going to be? People are asking these questions.  But no one is able to answer them; no one, that is, but God speaking in the Holy Scriptures.  But we do not want to hear His voice, do we?   

I think you can see this too, Melanie.  But no one has the courage to say this in the public arena; we have been imprisoned within the walls of PCism, and feel unable to speak the truth.  Will you dare to expound this kind of approach to your very considerable readership?  I hope so.

(Taken from an email to Melanie Phillips)


Anonymous said...

True Hazlett. It a sickness in the gut at how the current history of the province has been laid out. I didnt know you had a blog. You can check mine out at


Keep it up Hazlett! Lets hope Melanie makes a mention. She speaks so much sense at times. Love in Christ David Duly.

Hazlett Lynch said...

Thank you, David, for you encouraging and supportive comments. Our society is sick because it imagines it can live without God, and by rejecting His Son, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world.
I trust Melanie reads my email to her, and takes it on board.