Thursday 29 September 2011

Denney Sermon 1911

In 1911, the greatly loved and respected Rev Prin. James Denney, DD, published a book of sermons entitled, The Way Everlasting, (Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1911).  One of that collection was entitled Knowledge not mystery, the basis of religion (1911:26-37).  Basing his remarks of Deut.29:29, Denney said that “the secret things spoken of in this verse are in the first instance the destiny of the Jewish people.,” (p.26)   He preached about the law as being what God has revealed to His people, and through them to the world. 

He continues by making reference to “the fortune or destiny of the nations” being “always an interesting subject for speculation,” (27).  Mentioning such nations/empires as Babylon, Egypt, Tyre, Carthage, Rome, and Venice, as examples of the outworking of this great principle, Denney applies this to the UK of that time.  He says, “It verifies the word of God which speaks to us in this chapter; it shows us in a thousand ways that vice is the worm at the root of a nation’s strength, and that righteousness alone makes nations great.”  How true this is!  Proverbs teaches us that “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people,” (14:34).  That vice is a worm at the root of every nation’s strength, is a given; but that this is recognised by the leaders of nations is not so well recognised.
Denney proceeds, “Often we meet with speculations on the future of our own country or of its contemporaries and rivals.  We are invited to see a greater Britain grow continually greater, until a federation of English-speaking peoples controls the affairs of the world, with a pleasing consciousness of having only obtained their due; or to see the worn-out British race, stripped of its ships, its colonies and its commerce, sinking to an inglorious end. These speculations are precisely what is meant here when we read, the secret things belong unto the Lord our God: as far as we concerned, the book of the future is sealed with seven seals.” 

However, as Deut.29:29 so clearly teaches, while we cannot tell the fortunes of the nation in advance, we are told on what it is they depend.  On obedience to God’s revealed will.  So when a nation, or society, or family or individual operates and lives in open or secret defiance of God’s revealed will in Scripture, it has nothing but the judgement of God to look forward to.  They knew what God required, but they said in their hearts that they knew better than God, and went and did their own thing.  They defied and rebelled against God. 

Is Britain still Great Britain?  Wherein does her greatness lie?  At one time it lay in her adherence to the Bible, the Word of God.  But dare anyone make that claim about Britain today?  Is Britain still a God-fearing, Bible-believing country?  Are her laws compliant with God’s revealed will in Scripture?  Are moral standards being upheld in our nation?  Are the norms of decency being enforced, or are they being flouted – with government approval?  Is it safe for our young people to walk the streets of our towns and cities, without fear of molestation or other form of attack?  Is our nation rigorous in its compliance with God’s Word?  Is there vice being exposed in today’s world?  Have the authorities taken steps to curb the practices of vice?  The answer is a decided NO.

The same applies to the church of Jesus Christ on earth.  Is the professing church religious in its adherence to the Word of God?  Is she more concerned about Confessional correctness than about obeying the Scriptures?  Does she take holiness within her bounds seriously?  Is righteousness so important to her that it is not only practiced but seen to be practiced?  Does she preach the Gospel faithfully?  Are the biblical requirements for church membership adhered to strictly?  Is she involved in all sorts of ‘cover-up’ of scandals in order to protect her own ‘blue-eyed boys’?  Does she seek and experience the power of God in her services?  Is God present by His Holy Spirit in a way that is unmistakable?  Is He present in power in the worship of the people?  Again, the monotonous answer must be NO.

What is the certain result of all this?  Disaster and ruin of what is essentially the church, and the preservation of what is the mere outward manifestation of organised religion.  The outworking of God’s “secret things” is happening even though we cannot always see it.  The worm of vice is working continually at the ‘strength’ of the nation, the church, the family, and the individual, but its work is hidden.  Only in time will the full fruits of its secret activity be seen; but then it will be too late. 

Are you feeding the worm of vice in your life?  Is the worm of vice active in your family, church and community?  Is it being fed with the wickedness it needs for survival?  Are you feeding it?  Do you know you are feeding it?  Are you even concerned?

Proverbs teaches us that “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people,” (14:34).  Our nation is a reproach because it not only tolerates but facilitates open sin and wickedness.  She thinks she is great, but her greatness is fast disappearing.  Allow me to rephrase that same text and apply it thus:  “Righteousness exalts a church, but sin is a reproach to any congregation.”  Does true righteousness, not a false righteousness or a wicked self-righteousness, exalt your church, or has it to be said that the sinful practices and attitudes and beliefs that you cherish are making your church a reproach amongst the people of the world?
Or making it even more personal: “Righteousness exalts a people, but sin is a reproach to any individual.”  Is there a sense in which it can be said of you that you are being exalted because of the genuineness of your righteousness?  Or is the sad truth rather that you are despised and a reproach because of your sin?

These are searching questions, are they not?  So, consider your ways!

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