Sunday 28 June 2009

PMS, the Government and Sectarianism

If sectarianism may be defined as ‘a rigid adherence to a particular sect, party or denomination, in such a way as to exclude all others,’ then the Presbyterian Mutual Society (PMS) is an example of a sectarian organisation. I say this because (1) only members of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) can save in it; (2) only members of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland can invest their money in it; (3) only members of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland can borrow from it; (4) only members of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland can be involved in the running of it.

I am Presbyterian by upbringing and conviction, but because I am not a member of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland , I could not, if I wanted to, avail of any of the financial services that PMS offered. That makes the society exclusivist, and perhaps even sectarian, adopting an “ourselves alone” attitude. No one outside this religious grouping can have any part in its operations.

This is not to say that I have no feelings for the sense of betrayal that many PCI members feel, or even for the hurt caused by Dr Donald Watts, Clerk of Assembly, when he publicly distanced himself and the denomination from the PMS in its difficulties. The deception by their church has caused them much hurt.

But if the UK government is going to find ways of bailing out this exclusivist and private club, then it must do the same for all other exclusivist and private clubs. Equality of treatment demands no less.

Indeed, given that the entire PEACE III funding scheme is designed to combat sectarianism, and applicant groups must adhere to this aspiration, the government, if it bails out the PMS, is again sending out mixed messages that cause confusion. It supports anti-sectarianism through the PEACE III programme, on the one hand, and it funds an essentially sectarian organisation/club, on the other.

Just what is the government’s true position on sectarianism, in light of the above points? Answers please...


Anonymous said...

Mate, you need to wise up that is if we can call someone like you a mate? I think most people in this world are trying to put the past behind us and there are people like you who try to turn and twist things! If a SF Martin Mcginnis can go and ask the prime minister to help the PMS that is a very big move for him. People like you make me sick. Remember do onto others as you would like others to do to you. If you were in the shoes that all Presbyterian Mutual savers are all in, you would like someone to help you! Don't let people walk past when others are hurt, remember people walked past the lepers as stated in the bible. There are alot of people that have lost alot with this and in a bad way financially. There are alot of people that are not affected by this and not conected to the Presbyterian Church and can only thank the man above that they do not have your attitide! I feel at times some people need to sit back and look in the mirror and say what would be expected of me as a Christian? Is this the attitude of a Christian to come out with statements like this???

Hazlett Lynch said...

I am sorry that Anonymous was afraid to give his/her name. I do not correspond with faceless bloggers.

Anonymous said...

I am not faceless or afraid of a man like you,if you class yourself as Christian and a man of the cloth, I think it's time you questioned yourself and ask yourself "Is this a way a Christian should speak and react?" If you were my minister (thank goodness you're not!), it wouldn't be long before i'd leave your congregation. I'm not hiding behind anything just don't see why I have to identify myself to a man like you!!!!

Hazlett Lynch said...

Faceless blogger, come out from among those who, like the terrorists, can only shoot from the shadows.
Be a man, and give your proper name.